Welcome to this blog! My name is Giovanni Macciocu; I'm a software engineer, electrical engineer, guitar player, inline skater, greak cook and fanatic traveler, ... from now on I will only focus on the software engineering part ;)
Software engineering is a never ending study, my aim is to be versatile and up to date with latest programming trends, pick up at least three new frameworks per year, and broaden myself with subject matter specific concepts in order to be able to tackle challenging software egineering projects.
In this blog I tend to include a random assortment of software engineering related articles. The goal is twofold; First of all its just handy to have a central place where I can distrill things that I'm learning, provide re-usable code snippets and references to things I might use on a daily basis, secondly I'm glad to help out fellow software engineers with hopefully some insightfull articles.
Feel free to contact me through LinkedIn.